November 26, 1980

This morning's project was to see the IFAN museum of art. There were collections of ceremonial masks and totems, statuettes, jewelry and various other carvings. I usually whisk right through these places, but this stuff was so fascinating and well-documented that in spite of its small size, I spent two hours there.

I spent the afternoon at the library again. You can tell when I start getting tired of a town, because I start seeking our American culture. Also, I learned how to eat and drink out of a coconut.

My laundry came back so clean that I hardly recognized it, but as I feared, my shirt didn't hold up too well. After sewing up a 3-1/2-inch tear in the back, which I couldn't blame them for, since the cloth had deteriorated so much, I put everything on and gazed at myself for half an hour. You could hardly imagine anyone getting so much pleasure our of seeing himself in faded denim rags, but cleaned & pressed, they looked like a million bucks to me.


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