October 9, 1980

At I-n-Guezzam, there is an irrigated garden; the water is pumped out a pipe and falls into a cube-shaped tank, about 7' x 7' x 7', open at the top, and slowly drains into the canals. We were allowed the glory of bathing in it and showering under the pipe-- we were happy as pigs in shit. After six hours of paperwork, we were allowed to cross the border. In an hour, we reached the Niger border station, which had just closed for lunch. Among the people waiting in the shade were my friends Jean-Luc, Eric and Raymond, who'd left 2-1/2 days before we did. They had three small cars, one of which was in tow.

Waiting is the #1 pastime in Africa and westerners only adapt to it gradually. There was talk that they'd keep our passports until morning, but we finally got them around 8pm and left in an hour. Drove off and on until 1 or 2am-- Sidi obviously knew this route by heart, since it was difficult to see a trace of it even in daylight. It was pretty cold-- 40-50° or so-- and we huddled together on the truck for the night.


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