October 13, 1980

Didn’t expect to spend more than a day in this hotel, but the comfort got to me and I convinced Jens to share the room for another day. We all went to the bank, bright & early; my guide book warns that it’s the worst bank in Niger, possibly the world, and they may be right—the single teller served two windows, but had no regular pattern for which one she served next. She served two or three people per half-hour, in spite of the growing mob, but when I finally got out, it was nice to have money in my pocket again.

During the day, I occasionally bumped into others from the truck and most of them were arranging rides to Niamey for tomorrow. I don’t understand this—if you don’t stay in a place for a couple of days, it’s almost not worth the trouble to go there.

For two days now, I’ve been negotiating with a guy about a camel-riding expedition. His first pitch was $50 per day, then I whittled it down to $45 for two days. Marcel was interested in going, but had a relapse of intestinal pains, so I mad arrangements for myself. The price finally ended up at $60 for two days—a little expensive, but the experience will be worth it, I think.

For dinner, I went to a hole-in-the-wall and had a big tossed salad (enough for a meal) and a plate of macaroni for $2. This is the first time I’ve found the famously cheap African living. Hope to find more.


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